The Wierd Jet Stream

Why would a business innovation and design strategist/project leader spend 100% of her weekend reading time delving into the weather? What if my friends and family across Texas, from San Antonio to Dallas to Longview, are experiencing gravely dangerous heat indexes as high as 120 degrees, and neighboring Mississippi is bombarded by hail ice? These weird combinations harm people’s health and shutter businesses.

Am I crazy to work with clients who are devoted to climate stability? Hey, they are generating new quality of life and economic models. Climate scientists, economists, scholars, and evangelists continuously produce a torrent of sustainability strategies, facts, and statistics and are gaining influence.

We have a new class of agricultural, energy, and infrastructure regenerationalists coming into power.

“We should have a huge reduction in carbons and fossil fuels, but we are at the worst place now in the planet’s history," said Carlo Mondavi, who discussed regenerative agriculture recently.

It’s shaping up to be a straight-out economic power exchange against decarbonization with regenerative climate finance and regeneration investors nipping at the heels of the financial and political will of the top polluting companies.

We love our clients and advisory roles. We are grateful for their innovative minds, intelligence, and integrity as they focus on climate stability, livelihoods, and the safety and security of others.

#Weather #Health #Livelihood #Regenerationalists #Sustainability #Carbon #FossilFuels #RegenerativeAgriculture #Regenerative Energy #RegenertiveInfrastructure #ClimateFinane #ClimateInvestors #Advisory #BusinessInnovationDesign

Original Text. Not sourced from ChatGPT.


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